# 几何数据结构
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 #pragma once #include "../Base/Vector.h" #include "Point.h" #include <list> #include <vector> template <class T ,size_t dim>struct Vertex { jmk::Vector<T, dim> point; Vertex* next; Vertex* prev; Vertex (jmk::Vector<T, dim>& _point, Vertex<T, dim>* _next, Vertex<T, dim>* _prev) :point (_point), next (_next), prev (_prev), { } }; typedef Vertex<float , DIM2> Vertex2d;typedef Vertex<float , DIM3> Vertex3d;template <class T ,size_t dim = DIM3>class Polygon { std::vector<Vertex<T, dim>*> vertext_list; public : Polygon (std::list<jmk::Vector<T, dim>>& points) { const int size = points.size (); if (size < 3 ) { std::cout << "Not enough points to construct a polygon" ; return ; } for (auto _point : points) { vertext_list.push_back (new Vertex (_point)); } for (size_t i = 0 ; i < size; ++i) { vertext_list[i].next = &vertext_list[(i + 1 ) % size]; if (i != 0 ) { vertext_list[i].prev = &vertext_list[i - 1 ]; } else { vertext_list[i].prev = &vertext_list[size - 1 ]; } } } std::vector<Vertex<T, dim>*> getVertices () { return vertext_list; } }; typedef Polygon<float , DIM3> PolygonS3d;typedef Polygon<float , DIM2> PolygonS2d;
# Ear Clipping
# Ear Test
Check whether the vertext from a Converx angle
Line connecting two neighboring vertices hsould be a diagonal
(链接相邻的两个顶点出现的边应该是 diagonal 的)
其中 diagonal 是这样的,其中,AE 是 diagpnal
的,AC 不是,DC 也不是 (是否在多边形内部):
仅仅检测连线是否与多边形的边相交是不足以判断这条连线是 diagonal
Diagonal Check 总结
首先 连线不能和其他任意边相交
如果开始连线的顶点是一个 convex vertex
, 那么其两个邻居顶点应该位于连线的两侧
如果连线开始的顶点是一个 reflex vertex
, 那么连线应该位于多边形内部
Convex vertex: 凸顶点是指在凸多边形或凸曲线上的顶点。在凸多边形中,凸顶点是多边形的角的顶点,其内角小于 180 度。凸顶点的特点是无论从该顶点出发画出的任何一条直线,都不会与多边形的边界相交或内部相交。凸顶点对于描述和分析凸多边形的形状和性质非常重要。相反,非凸多边形具有凹顶点,其内角大于 180 度,从该顶点出发画出的直线会与多边形的边界或内部相交。 reflex vertex: 凸多边形中内角大于 180° 的顶点
# 实现
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 bool jmk::isDiagonal (const Vertex2d* v1, const Vertex2d* v2, PolygonS2d* poly) { bool prospect = true ; std::vector<Vertex2d*> vertices; if (poly) vertices = poly->getVertices (); else { auto vertex_ptr = v1->next; vertices.push_back ((Vertex2d*)v1); while (vertex_ptr != v1) { vertices.push_back (vertex_ptr); vertex_ptr = vertex_ptr->next; } } Vertex2d* current, * next; current = vertices[0 ]; do { next = current->next; if (current != v1 && next != v1 && current != v2 && next != v2 && jmk::Intersection (v1->point, v2->point, current->point, next->point)) { prospect = false ; break ; } current = next; } while (current != vertices[0 ]); return prospect && interiorCheck (v1,v2) && interiorCheck (v2,v1); }
其中 Intersection 函数实现如下,其中 orientation2d
函数实现的是判断 c 点和 a->b 向量的关系 (根据数值求面积 (叉积) 的正负来判断)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 bool jmk::Intersection (const jmk::Point2d& a, const jmk::Point2d& b, const jmk::Point2d& c, const jmk::Point2d& d) { auto ab_c = jmk::orientation2d (a, b, c); auto ab_d = jmk::orientation2d (a, b, d); auto cd_a = jmk::orientation2d (c, d, a); auto cd_b = jmk::orientation2d (c, d, b); if (ab_c == BETWEEN ab_c == ORIGIN ab_c == DESTINATION ab_d == BETWEEN ab_d == ORIGIN ab_d == DESTINATION cd_a == BETWEEN cd_a == ORIGIN cd_a == DESTINATION cd_b == BETWEEN cd_b == ORIGIN cd_b == DESTINATION) { return true ; } return _xor(ab_c == LEFT, ab_d == LEFT) && _xor(cd_a == LEFT, cd_b == LEFT); } int jmk::orientation2d (const Point2d& a, const Point2d& b, const Point2d& c) { auto area = areaTriangle2d (a, b, c); if (area > 0 && area < TOLERENCE) area = 0 ; if (area < 0 && area > TOLERENCE) area = 0 ; Vector2f ab = b - a; Vector2f ac = c - a; if (area > 0 ) return LEFT; if (area < 0 ) return RIGHT; if ((ab[X] * ac[X] < 0 ) (ab[Y] * ac[Y] < 0 )) { return BEHIND; } if (ab.magnitude () < ac.magnitude ()) { return BEYOND; } if (a == c) return ORIGIN; if (b == c) return DESTINATION; return BETWEEN; }
在 isDiagnoal
函数的中间,是对 v1v2 构成的边进行整个多边形的相交检测,如果通过了,再使用 interiorCheck
函数来检查是否满足 Ear Test
其中 interiorCheck
函数的具体实现如下,即检查 v2 是否通过 v1 的 EarTest
, 且 v1 也要通过 v2 的 Ear Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 bool jmk::interiorCheck (const Vertex2d* v1, const Vertex2d* v2) { if (jmk::leftOrBeyond (v1->point, v1->next->point, v1->prev->point)) { return jmk::left (v1->point, v2->point, v1->prev->point) && jmk::left (v2->point, v1->point,v1->next->point); } return !(jmk::leftOrBeyond (v1->point, v2->point, v1->next->point) && jmk::leftOrBeyond (v2->point, v1->point, v1->prev->point)); }
以 v1 为 start vertex
算法的思路就是根据 v1 是 convex
角还是 relex
1. 如果是 convex 角,则只需要判断 v1
相邻的两个点是否在 v1v2
2. 如果是 relex 角,则取反判断,即判断是否满足 v1v2
不在多边形内部,如果不通过,就代表 v1v2 在多边形内部,通过测试
如上图,判定在 v1 位 relex 角的前提下,v2 在多边形外部 isDiagonal
函数在相交测试、耳测试全通过后才能表明 v2v1 是一条 diagonal(耳边?)
# 耳裁减三角化
1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 初始化耳状态 while(直到只有三个顶点为止){ 2. 选择一个点并且找到一个在两个邻接点之间的diagonal 3. 移除选中的点 4. 更新邻接顶点的耳状态 }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 #include "Triangulation.h" using namespace jmk;static void initialize_ear_status (PolygonS2d* polygon) { Vertex2d* v0, * v1, * v2; auto vertices = polygon->getVertices (); v1 = vertices[0 ]; do { v0 = v1->prev; v2 = v1->next; v1->is_ear = isDiagonal (v0, v2); v1 = v1->next; } while (v1 != vertices[0 ]); } void Triangulate_earclipping (PolygonS2d* poly, std::vector<Edge2d>& edge_list) { initialize_ear_status (poly); auto vertex_list = poly->getVertices (); int no_vertex_to_process = vertex_list.size (); Vertex2d* v0, * v1, * v2, * v3, * v4; while (no_vertex_to_process > 3 ) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < vertex_list.size (); ++i) { v2 - vertex_list[i]; if (v2->is_ear && !v2->is_processed) { v3 = v2->next; v4 = v3->next; v1 = v2->prev; v0 = v1->prev; edge_list.push_back (Edge2d (*v1, *v3)); v2->is_processed = true ; v1->next = v3; v3->prev = v1; v1->is_ear = isDiagonal (v0, v3, nullptr ); v3->is_ear = isDiagonal (v1, v4, nullptr ); no_vertex_to_process--; if (no_vertex_to_process <= 3 ) break ; } } } }